Sunday, November 27, 2011

Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our holiday weekend here in New England has been just amazing! Sunshine and highs in the 60s have made the days feel more like September than late November.  We took advantage of the lovely weather to head outside!  On Friday, we headed up to Worcester check out the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store-- a warehouse full of surplus and donated building supplies.  We left empty handed, but found a pretty park where the kids ran around and climbed the absurdly tall bridges.

Pretty bridge in the park

Watching the geese swim by under yet another interesting bridge.

The next day, we headed down to Sharon, Ma to visit one of the many great Audubon wildlife sanctuaries in Massachusetts-- Moose Hill. In weather warm enough to wear short sleeves (!!) we wandered the hilly trails.  Eventually, we arrived at a rocky outcropping, overlooking a pretty valley.  A great end to a great November day!

This may be when the tick hitched a ride on Willow's back :(

Looking out to the valley below.

Resting after e great hike.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blue Hills Reservation

Today we headed out for a hike up to the top of the Great Blue Hill in the Blue Hills Reservation in Canton, MA.  There were big crowds-- probably due to the close proximity of the trail to Boston-- but the views made it all worthwhile.  Jay and I were so impressed by how well the girls did on the steep, rocky trail.  They are going to be great little hikers next summer!

View from the top-- Looking East

Looking North, to Boston

The weather observatory on top